Get 10% off when you stay for a week or more

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Save 10% on select properties when you stay seven days or more.

Stay a week or more, save 10%

This winter, get 10% off when you stay seven days or more at select private homes in destinations across the country and beyond. Plus, as a One Key™ member you earn an average of $65 in OneKeyCash™ on a week-long stay.¹

Explore winter homes


Pro tip

Flexible with your dates? Select your month of travel, then apply the “Weekly Discount” filter in your search results to find the greatest availability of discounted properties.

Try it


Thousands of homes in our favorite winter getaway destinations offer this discount.

Save 10%

Sleeps 8 • 3 Bedrooms

Save 10%

Sleeps 6 • 2 Bedrooms

Save 10%

Sleeps 6 • 3 Bedrooms

Save 10%

Sleeps 6 • 3 Bedrooms

Save 10%

Sleeps 6 • 3 Bedrooms

Save 10%

Sleeps 8 • 3 Bedrooms


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To find homes that offer this discount in your desired destination, select the “Weekly Discount” filter from the filter list on the search results page. Select travel dates of 7+ nights to see prices and savings.

¹Based on average earn on eligible Vrbos since launch of One Key (July 2023). OneKeyCash is not redeemable for cash and can only be used on Vrbo®, Expedia®, and®.

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